Business Tips

▪ The key to winning in business is sustaining the momentum.
▪ Be patient at the macro level and impatient at the micro level. Meaning, if you want success then measure it on a scale of 5 to 10 years and be patient. However at the same time you need to have the speed of a gazelle to get things done on a daily basis.
▪ Play the long game. Do not be happy with short term success and never take your eyes of the long game of 5-10 years.

For next 10 years...
▪ Focus on serving the customer
▪ Improve sales knowledge
▪ Keep improving people(external & internal) management skills
▪ Keep improving cash flow
▪ Establish proper systems and processes for all departments in the company
▪ Keep on increasing effort on business.
▪ Create more value for customers to create more wealth.
▪ Always be Hiring - good Talent & Minds.

Secret to success in business
▪ Treat success in business as your duty, responsibility, and obligation.
▪ Develop an unstoppable mindset and take massive 10X action daily.
▪ As business people it is our ethical duty to be successful and prosperous.
▪ Inspire your team daily to achieve more.

The Leadership must be able to make the right decisions most of the time - from Financial management to Employee management.
Leadership failures will trickle down to every aspect of your business.
The most successful entrepreneurs learn, study and reach out to mentors to improve their leadership skills.

Why do business fail?
1. Lack of planning
Businesses fail because of lack of Short-term and Long-term planning. Your plan should include - Where your business will be in the next few months to the next few years. Include measurable goals and results.

2. Poor Leadership
Businesses fail because of poor leadership in terms of Team building and management, Delegation of work, Business Development , Manpower Training,etc

Key actions required for Business growth and Building a Scalable & Profitable business.
Build a strong team to take yourself out of the critical path. If you are still spending most of your time working "in" your business, rather than "on" your business, then you are not yet ready to scale. Show that you have and can continue to hire the right people to run the scaled business without you being everywhere and making every decision.

How to validate your business idea:
1. Is your business idea something that is happening or is successful globally or regionally - if yes then replicate it and do it better.
2. NPS - Net Promoter Score. Eg. From among 100 people how many will promote your business, will talk positively about your service experience. The more the people promote ,the better the chance of that business idea succeeding.
3. What does your business do ? What problem does it solve?
People do not buy products or services. They buy solution to their problems. Is your business idea offering a solution to their problem. Is your product/service "Need to have" or just "Nice to Have". 'Need to have' product or service will get you orders.

Essential elements of a business model include a
* Unique Value proposition,
* A Viable target market and
* A Competitive advantage.

With those elements, you have a definite way of generating revenue from your business

Traits of successful business leaders -
# Solution oriented mindset (not a problem oriented mindset)
# Ambitious & self-driven
# Dispassionate
# Good communication skills
# Hard-working for long hours
# Good at networking and building connection
# Exemplary ability to listen.

Personality traits practised by great business leaders
# Strength & Capability
# Consistency & Clarity
# Responsible & get things done
# Thorough and think things through
# Careful analysis and consideration
# Follow the rules
# Persuasion & Influence
# Logical approach to challenges and situations
# Motivate team and get things to happen
# Causing things to happen
# Advising people & helping them work things through
# Reliable & effective
# Confident & logical
# Skillful & unique
# Redouble efforts during set-backs to bounce-back
# Discuss and analyse
# Create friendship & harmony
# Networking
# Do not withdraw & compromise
# They are not confused and never out of control
# Winner mentality

How to Accelerate employee performance
1. Hire the right people ( with right attitude, skills & knowledge)
2. Delegating clear roles
3. Review performance & giving feedback
4. Training & developing people
5. Appraising salary in a scientific manner.
6. Firing the wrong people, who are not aligning

The 10 Commandments of Entrepreneurship :
1 - Don't start a company for the money. Start a company for the mission and the money will follow. Mission- to offer couples an opportunity to experience a happy n satisfying married life.
2 - Don't think small and start big. Thing big and start small.
3 - Don't sell to people you don't love, products they don't need. Find people you love, and serve them what they need.
4 - Don't ask "how can I make money". Ask "how can I help others make money".
5 - Don't find a team to work for you. Find a team you want to work for.
6 - Don't ask "what to I need to do". Ask "What do I need to help others to do."
7 - Don't measure your wealth by quantity of money. Measure it by quality of time.
8 - Don't have an "exit strategy" where you win when you end. Have an "enter strategy" where you win when you begin.
9 - Don't set a goal to achieve a goal. Set a goal so you can be the person you need to be to achieve that goal.
10 - Don't climb mountains so the world can see you. Climb mountains so you can see the world.

Investors will tell you that they love to put money into startups that are scalable, and ready to scale. But what does that really mean?

Simply stated, it means that your business has the potential to multiply revenue with minimal incremental cost. Ready to scale is when you have a proven product and a proven business model, about to expand to new geographies and markets.

A software product is a classic example of a scalable solution, since it costs real money to build the first copy, but unlimited additional copies can be quickly cloned for almost no incremental cost. Most consulting services, like marketing, are not scalable, since they must be delivered by experts, and cloning experts is slow and expensive.

Attributes to become successful in your enterprise
# Stay Focused
# Perseverant
# Demanding with self and team
# Perfectionist
# Adaptive
# Stick to the goal till the end
# Be Passionate- Hardworking- Disciplined ( PHD)

7 foundational actions to build a stable n successful business
Business is like a wheel which has spokes
The 7 imp activities ( spokes)
1. Consistent Marketing (brings Lead generation, Enquiry, Deals).
2. Sales - includes Deal closing, Revenue generation.
Marketing feeds sales
No marketing - No sales
3. Operations - The goal is to deliver Value & ensure Happy customer. ( Operations include Procurement, Production, Maintenance, Quality check, Logistics, IT,)

4. R&D - New products & new services.
R&D is creating new products & services.
R&D is imp even for a solopreuneur.
When we launch new products & new services you attract new customers and even existing customers buy from you.
5. Accounts - Accuracy, Compliance and Reporting
6. HR - Recruitment, Employee development, Employee happiness.
7. Management job ( of biz owner) :
To create
Clarity of Goals - of Profitable Biz Model - of Systems - of Roles & Matrix to measure performance of employee.

Common message shared by every successful business leader...
*If you are the best on your team then you cannot build a scalable business
* Every business needs a system to Track- Achieve goals and to build a Scalable & Profitable business
The key is to build your business based on scientific tools.
Business is a science & there are tools. Designing a profitable business framework which includes Sales-Marketing-Hiring-Operations process is a science.

Become an Entrepreneur...
1. If you have a Solution to a problem
2. If you are Mentally, Emotionally, Physically, Financially stable
3.If you have a team of Skilled resources.
(Entrepreneurship is a Joyful, Fulfilling & Gratifying experience and a journey of self discovery...though it can be devastating if it does go wrong)

Do not start an enterprise only because...
* You want to make money.
* You don't like your job or boss,
* And because Everyone is into business

Marketing & Automation
To grow rapidly
Focus on marketing and indirect channels to get the message out quickly.
Direct marketing is generally not scalable, especially on low-cost high-volume products. These days, heavy marketing is always required to make your startup visible and scalable amid the flood of information from all sources to all customers.

Word-of-mouth does not scale.
Secondly Automate to the max. A startup that is labor intensive and staff intensive is not scalable. Start early looking at production automation, proven process technologies, and minimum staff approaches, before you begin scaling.
Document your processes and build online training videos so new recruits can learn quickly.